Mono Monday: Week 416 ...

... Fact or fiction.

Years and years ago I attended a seminar for work that had an interesting ice breaker to introduce ourselves to the other attendees.  We were to list five statements about ourselves but only four out of the five were facts.  The other was fiction.  So here you are ... my five statements.  Which do you think is fiction

1. I love cats. 
2. I'm youngest of 6 children born to my parents.
3. I'm a two time cancer survivor.
4. I've been married to the love of my life for almost 38 years!
5.  I've visited all 50 of the United States.

Thanks go to ApolloFly for hosting Mono Monday this month with some thought provoking themes.  Statement no.1 is pretty obviously a fact based on my photo of our lovely Kiera. I've added a full color version in the Extras. 

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