Cat in a Bag

Mehitabel is a bag and box girl. If one shows up she can’t resist. My sister-in-law Nora came by for lunch today after she visited Rag Finery, a fascinating shop and workspace here in Bellingham. Nora was looking for old lace and oddments from an earlier time. And she found what she wanted. She loaded up her bag and they charged her by the pound. So for $18 she got all kinds of items to use in her scrapbooking projects. She was stoked and Mehitabel was happy to sit in Nora’s bag.

In the afternoon Shelly and I did a shopping at Costco. We were careful and never took off our N95 masks. All the staff and other shoppers were masked too. We hadn’t been to Costco for some time so we loaded up our cart and charged up our cards to refill the freezers and fridges. Shelly buys all the meat and I do the dinner cooking and cleanups. That works well for my budget and his peaceful dinners. He’s actually quite a good cook, but he asked if I’d take over when some of his health issues made cooking less fun. He still bakes bread thank heavens. I don’t bake, but I do love to eat sourdough bread.

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