
Blue Monday, pandemic fatigue and cabin fever all proved too much. 

I have run away to the Big City. I had to come here tomorrow anyway to meet the Cousin and Sue, so last night I checked out the room rates at the place I stayed last year. Too cheap to miss. I will save half of it by not using the gas and electricity at home. 

And of course that tax rebate was burning a hole in my pocket.

So far I have been on a bus, in a restaurant (Mosque Kitchen) and a pub (Sandy Bell's). The excitement!

It was truly weird to get table service in Sandy Bell's. It is the kind of place where you would normally expect to have to jostle at the bar to get served. 

The Blip is my ridiculously cheap studio, and the Extra is my Addlestone's cider. The table is squint, not me.  

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