Gave a presentation

I didn't have to guard the birds this morning, the crows were right there, waiting. (They didn't caw!)

Today's meetings were fun.

I finally gave my presentation on my project. When assigned I was dreading it, it was like joining a class mid-way, not understanding the material, and then having to take a final exam. I was still in the government-is-weird, I-don't-know-what-I'm-doing, I'm-not-sure-I-like-it-here stage. Now I'm having a better time, contributing value, and had a great time giving the presentation. At the end I said, "please ask difficult questions now." Then when they were through I said, "please ask simple questions now." 

After work, my next-door neighbor made too much dinner and gave it to me! Chicken, curry, coconut. Divine. You wish you were me? 

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