Cromer - North Norfolk

I love my day off so much. Even if I just do housework - but today I didn't do any house work - but even if I do, a day off is better than a work day. Today was no exception!

I didn't have a very good night sleep as I have acquired a mysterious injury to my knee. It came on midday yesterday, and by bedtime it was excruciatingly painful. I put volterol on it, but it still woke me at 2.30am so applied more and took pain killers. I think I must have twisted it. It's still achy now, but eased up a bit as I did things today.

So I shopped, then sang, then had a wander round Cromer. For once I was mindful of the need for a blip photo so took a few. The bottom 3 in Cromer and the top one on my allotment which is where I headed after lunch.

The chickens were pleased to see me. I cleaned out their house, and then had planned to did some of my compost out, and move it to one of the beds. As I dug in, the most enormous rat shot out towards me, scrabbling over my wellies and disappearing behind me. I didn't half scream!! Then another, and finally a third rat was ousted by my fork! I'm not scared of rats it just made me jump. Then I found more in a plastic bag they were hiding in!

I managed to move some compost, prune and clear around more raspberry canes, but by at 4.50pm it was getting dark, so I cycled back, with my lights on! I took the pic of the teasles as I left. They are my wildflower patch...although it could be said the whole of the allotment is competing as a wild area!

Lit the fire to try and bring some warmth to our downstairs space, but still have a blanket. So looking forward to my new sofa coming next week, as I'll be able to put my feet up!

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