Tulips, Highland Stoneware, and glug jugs

Apart from wandering around my garden, I have sheltered indoors today. I considered going for a run, but the wind put me off. Instead I rode my exercise bike.

Most of the time I have been at my computer getting organised for the coming weeks. It's going to a busy time - with a real live work trip in the middle of February!!! I also enjoyed long telephone calls with ClarissaFox in Manchester, and my middle sister currently on Holy Island. I prepared boeuf bourgignon for supper this evening using the Cookery year recipe and it smells delicious!

These are the tulips that Ridgeback13 brought to Monday's book group. I wonder if they really belong to Winsford because she was technically our host this month?

Oh, and last night's work/recreational online event was superb.

Exercise today: 45 minutes on the exercise bike.

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