
Another stressful day today.  My telemedicine visit with the vascular surgeon didn't happen, because as soon as the video appeared his assistant managed to disconnect us.  I tried desperately to reach his office to reestablish the connection, but had no luck.  So it is now rescheduled for Tuesday of next week, thus pushing back the date by which I can have the fistula created.

In the afternoon was the appointment with the Medicine Consult Clinic for my pre-surgery evaluation.  It lasted an hour and a half and I don't think there's anything about my medical history and current issues that the doctor didn't get to.  But she was friendly and kind, thus making it less of an ordeal.  Her determination was that I am very low risk for the surgery - what a relief!

Arriving home, I remembered that I was supposed to go to the pharmacy to pick up a medication I'd run out of.  So it was out again into the dark and damp, being blinded by headlights and not sure I'd make it home.  Not surprisingly, since I got home I'm about as tired as I've ever been in my life.

And tomorrow I have to drive up to Lynnwood to be fitted for a new CPap mask.  Then physical therapy in the afternoon before getting to go home again.  I'm so tired of all this running around and there's no end in sight, as I have three more appointments next week.

Let me just say that I hope all of you had better days than mine and that they provided you with a reason for joy.

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