Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


There continue to be large numbers of House Finches in the garden this winter, often 20-30.  And while house finches typically move around, at least a couple of the finches in this flock are here daily which probably means the whole flock is staying.  This is just a random female finch with no distinguishing characteristics, but I liked that you can faintly see a second finch incoming in the background.  Gives you a sense of how busy things are.

I was supposed to meet up with my birder friends for a walk but when I got up, everything outside was covered by a thin sheet of black ice, including all 150 feet of our sloping driveway.  There wasn't going to be any chance of getting the car out of the garage and down the driveway without hitting something so I texted my friends to say I wouldn't be there.  The deck and patio were all coated so I have to think we must have had a very light rainfall overnight which made everything icy.  A few hours later it was fine so I took Jax for a short walk.  He have class tonight with him so he will have a chance to burn off the rest of his daily energy there.  

Jax did quite well on his walk today with almost no tugging.  The only causes for concern (for him) were a trash can that was over on its side and a mound of icy snow.  Both were approached with tail tucked and hackles raised until he ascertained that no threat was imminent.  

There is still a fair amount of bed-drama in our house between the cats and the dog.  When I went up to work in my office for a short while, Jax immediately commandeered his own bed...and then went and plucked Phoebe's bed off the window seat and put it in his bed.  It's like a three-ring bed circus.

Dark with ginger today.  Two pieces because I'm still feeling a bit off-kilter.


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