By lizzie_birkett


In an icy puddle! What do you see?
All I’ve done today is draw, write a poem and wash the dishes!

The extra is my Febcreate drawing and I wrote the poem to go with it.
Skittery Feltie is the Scots word for Mistletoe Thrush.

42/365 Skittery Feltie

(Aka Mistle Thrush or Mavis or Stormcock!

Gorging on the pearls of mistletoe
And Hawthorn or Holly berries
You perch as high as you can go
To sing your sweet song, so merry
Spotty breast, grey-brown of feather
No matter hail, rain or snow
You celebrate the worst of weather
Though the strongest winds may blow
You call not once but twice or thrice
So your presence is known far and wide
As you hope another ‘Mavis’ to entice
Who with you in your nest will bide.
Come the Spring that twiggy nest
Holds eggs of palest of blue and speckled
Then, with new life you’ll be blessed
Their first feathers already freckled!

Hope your day was as good as could be.
Goodnight Blippers :-)X

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