Raynes Park

I did an introduction to the Product Team for some new colleagues at work today.  I like it when new people join the team because it’s a good moment to pause and remember why I am working on this thing and a great opportunity to take my head out of the details and daily frustrations by reminding myself - as well as introducing the new team members - to all the positive reasons we are building.

Because we were away on Saturday and had visitors yesterday we had not had the opportunity to do our weekly shop. Pre-pandemic it would never have occurred to me that I shouldn’t just go out and grab something quick from the local supermarket. But we are definably in the habit now of planning meals which, I hope, is both better for us and better for the wallet.  This evening I went shopped for the remaining days this week.  Afterwards, I went and spent 35 minutes on the elliptical trainer at the gym and took another evening shot of Raynes Park on my way home. 

Dinner was Yotam Ottolenghi’s vegetarian 'Mixed grill' with parsley pesto which sounded a lot more complex when I planned the recipe than it turned out. It was delicious and the first time I know of that I have ever eaten kohlrabi. 

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