Across the airwaves.

Seeing that today’s mono monday challenge theme is Communication I gave Ron his research briefing. He decided that we were going to St Pancras churchyard to see Sir John Soane’s tomb, the top of which which resembles a phone box. 

On arrival sure enough it did look a bit like the dome on the top of telephone kiosks as designed by Giles Gilbert Scott and apparently the mausoleum did  give the architect his inspiration (see extra). But it wasn’t very convincing and so we decided to move on to see what else we could find.
Moving east down through St Katherine’s dock we happened upon a paired phone and letter box. And there were two workman in white overalls apparently giving the boxes an overhaul. But the puzzle was that they were communicating on their mobiles even though we checked afterwards that there was a dialing tone on the landline in the kiosk. All very confusing. Perhaps they were whispering sweet nothings on Valentine’s day.*
So I offer you a tableau of communication through the ages from letters to the mobile phone.
Thanks to Jensphotos for hosting mono monday.

*The workmen might have been my pals Ron and Dave. 

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