Moon in the Cathedral 2

The Moon At Night.

Brian told me that they are having a few special evening viewings for the Museum of the Moon art installation by Luke Jerram in Lincoln cathedral. As I am not working tonight we decided to go up there while we had chance.

I think it looks better in the evening - appropriate really. It was much busier tonight than when I went up there on Friday.  Admission was free which helped I'm sure. I'm glad they are doing this for at least some of the time so that this is accessible to everyone.

Otherwise much of my day has been spent doing housework, namely cleaning the bathroom. This would have to be my most hated household chore!

Once that was done I sat on the sofa to read for a while. Minstrel sat on the arm beside me. I remembered I had seen some YouTube videos featuring calming/healing music for cats so I put one on. He reacted straight away - came over and got on my lap and watched the bubbles on the screen. He settled down for a lovely nap. The music is quite plinky-plonky and often features water sounds. It certainly appealed to Minstrel!

Another thing I did today was visit the surgery to see the nurse for my thyroid blood test. That is done for another year, and I will call them in a week to check as I've heard from a couple of sources that they often don't let you known even if there is a problem unless you ask!

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