Mono Monday: Week 421 ...

... communication.  

Cheddar is communicating with us here to let us know that: "I ❤ my mom!"  These are from a double pair of tiny cat socks that Richard gave to me for Valentine's day.  I also received semi-matching ones!  

I had originally planned on posting the first Extra photo of Kiera today communicating with the birds ... but then we had some fun putting one of the tiny socks on Cheddar.  My second extra (in full color) is of an American robin that was in the back yard.  

Neither one of our cats is very vocal but they both have their moments.  Mostly around food time!  Kiera does love to 'talk' to the birds whilst in the front window.  And Cheddar when he meows can hardly be heard. 

Thanks to jensphotos for hosting Mono Monday all this month.  I'll be taking over in March ... watch the Challenges page for details/themes coming soon. 

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