Sun struck bridge

I had in mind a particular photo for today, on this run which took me through the Auckland Domain at one point. I managed to blur every shot, including one of a group of runners, as I tried to meet the challenge word for the week; running.

Almost into the last five minutes of the run, I was taken with the low, recently risen sun hitting the Auckland Harbour Bridge, and also striking the masts of yachts in the Westhaven Marina.

I think this is the best shot I have taken of the bridge. Two years ago, I got a photo of the bridge similarly hit by the sun; that was from the top of Maungawhau. Eight months after that, I posted a picture taken from a very similar place to today's; the sun was well risen by the time I took that picture. And in June last year, this was the morning view of the bridge; the sun was yet to rise.

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