Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I don't really know anyone who doesn't find these personality-filled little birds utterly adorable.  You really never see them behaving badly and they just dark in, grab a seed and immediately leave so never any pushing or shoving.  Really, when you think about it, the perfect avian guests.  

Had a wonderful time with my besties yesterday and last night - we ate and drank too much, but really enjoyed talking about the "old" days, laughing and perhaps choking back a tear or two.  Mostly laughing.  Ellen headed home after midnight and Kura and Peg stayed over.  A leisurely morning, capped off by Hubs' famous pancakes.  Then we played several rousing rounds of dominoes which is "our game".  

And around all of that, I got Jax out for 2 walks today, in spite of it being very cold and blustery.  Even managed to drag Hubs out on one of the walks.  

This core group of women are family to me - sisters I've chosen.  I love them all dearly and treasure the times we spend together.  So many memories, so much history together.  I hope everyone is blessed with relationships like these.

Dark with ginger today, I think.  


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