Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I think it would be pretty hard not to like nuthatches.  Not only are they cute, but they also make adorable little beeps and toots.  As spring approaches, they are becoming more vocal with the males tooting up a storm at each other.  I'm sure it is meant to be fearsome, but it lands squarely on "cute" for me.

It's been a gorgeous day so I texted a friend to see if she wanted to join Jax and I for a walk in the park.  I swung by and picked her up and then we all 3 enjoyed a leisurely hour of walking (and, in Jax's case, sniffing).  It was good to catch up with my friend as I hadn't seen her in a while.  And Jax was relatively well behaved. Later this afternoon I have PT although I think  I am going to ask that we go easy today since my back is pretty sore.  

Although I didn't see them, I heard Bluebirds singing when I went out this morning.  It seems like there has been a pair hanging around every morning for about a week.  Hopefully a good sign for spring.

Don't forget that tomorrow is TinyTuesday and the optional theme is "seasonal".  Tag #TT404.  I'm prepared to be dazzled so don't disappoint me!

Daily dark not yet decided...


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