Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I must have been crazy for thinking that photographing white birds under a bright, blazing sun was a good idea!  But I needed to get out of my head for a while and this seemed as good a way as any to do it.  There is a large retail parking lot in town where the Ring-billed Gulls congregate in the winter months (it's a short flight to the municipal landfill where they dine).  I headed over early this afternoon (when the sun would be at its worst, natch!) and parked my car and waited.  Every so often a small group will come or go, providing the opportunity for flight shots which I can always use some practice at.  I used the bird eye AF/dynamic for this and in spite of the wretched light, it held the focus pretty well.  Which made up for the many, MANY shots that were crap.  White birds... sunshine... oy.  

Back at home, Hubs and I set about trying to find a very expensive CF Express (camera) card that I'd managed to drop into a crevice between the sofa and its arm.  The sofa is very large and heavy which made the job of turning it over challenging.  After having no luck finding the card, we righted the sofa and I took one more pass at jamming my hand in between arm and sofa and ... eureka!  I felt the card, jammed all the way deep in a crevice.  It took us another 5 minutes and several tools to get it out.  If it had been an SD card, I would have just let it go, but this damned CF card was wicked expensive.  Very happy we were an able to retrieve!  

We watched a charming movie a couple of nights ago called "East Side Sushi" - a total feel-good movie with not a single big or even medium star in it.  Sometimes those little movies are treasures.

Dark with ginger today.


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