Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Mexican Jay

(vacation back blip #1)

I'm back, fresh off of what turned out to be a five night stay in Madera Canyon. The blip is of a Mexican Jay and the extra is a Gould's turkey on top of a bird feeder looking for some food. The jay seems to be a much darker and richer blue than usual, probably because it was tucked into the shade of the tree.

It was a nice day, if not a little bit too windy for my liking. I spent most of the day relaxing and trying to loosen my lower back. I charcoal-grilled some all beef, nitrate free hot dogs for dinner. Not sure if I'm allowed to have them but will be reaching out (after the fact) to my renal dietician to find out before I do that again. Afterwards, I watched one of the movies I had previously downloaded from Netflix. It was "Don't Look Up". It took me halfway through the movie to realize the star was Leonardo DiCaprio. It was good.

Big surprise to come in tomorrow's back blip.  I've spent hours going through a week's worth of photos and processing the ones I liked best. It might take me a couple of days to post them all because I would like to find something for mono Monday.
There was a duck who walked into a store and said, “got any candy?” The storekeeper said, “no, we don’t.” The next day, the duck went into the same store and asked the same thing and got the same answer. The duck kept going back every day for a week and asked the same thing and kept getting the same answer until the store keeper got so angry he said, “if you come in here and ask that again, I will hit you on the head with a hammer!” The next day, the duck walks into the store and asks, “got a hammer?” The store keeper says, “no.” Then the duck asks, “got any candy?”

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