Journey Through Time

By Sue

Artsy Anemone

Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower.
Hans Christian Anderson

It rained and rained earlier today. I went to the store in the rain and did some shopping. But, when I left the store, the storm was gone, there were patches of blue sky and by the time I unloaded the car and put everything was really nice outside. I faffed around with my anemone blossoms...all two of them...and settled on this for my artsy contribution for today. The only thing I am not happy with is that sort of dark business in the top middle...if I knew how to remove it I would. I don't, so there you go.

I looked at quotes and when I saw this one, it made me laugh. So, I will leave you with a smile. Catch ya later..

I hate flowers - I paint them because they're cheaper than models and they don't move.

Georgia O'Keeffe

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