
By dunkyc


Following a couple of really good Mondays lately, I had to just settle for a merely “good” one today. Albeit one that had something of a sting in the tail from a work perspective.

Tomorrow could be interesting, but as I think we are all experiencing at present: perspective is everything.

Got plenty of things cleared before a lunchtime shop in preparation for the arrival of the wee ones, who were on their bikes following a session at school. I haven’t seen them ride them for a while (the bikes live at their mums), so it was so nice to see them so confident on their wheels.

Manic Monday quickly drew to a close with crash helmets needed at both Beavers & Cubs (best not to ask sometimes….) and I crashed out in front of Wolf Like Me on Amazon, which I recommend.

Did manage to find time to snap this one of a robin through a dirty window on a drizzly day, so messed with it a little to make it seem at least slightly better than it actually was!

I’m bidding February a fond farewell. It has been good to me and I’m leaving a few things behind for it to dispose of as I don’t need them anymore.

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