Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

More knitting

I've been enjoying knitting clothes for refugees. In general, I use free patterns and choose ones that grow quickly. This bonnet is from a pattern I bought because I liked the look of it. Once I was in the way of it, it was not too hard, but it has short and full rows of knitting which creates the shape around the back of the neck. 

I'm sure I will knit is again, perhaps in a different size. The I-cords are longer than recommended, but not as long as I think is required, so I'll adjust that too.

It's been wet, cold and miserable here. I stayed at home and have sorted out most of the equipment I need for my trip to Islay. Packing will be Friday's job. Tomorrow I'm off to Sunderland for my cousin Joan's funeral.

The news is desperate and it's hard to keep listening. 

I also watched the end of The Power of the Dog. I missed the full meaning of the ending and found the film very slow. It's a tour de force but not the best subject when a bit of lighter mood is required!

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