
By dunkyc

Table Read

I worked in the office for a couple of hours this morning and met a colleague whom I used to sit opposite to pre-pandemic.

We haven’t seen each other in the flesh for almost two years. She looked exactly the same as I remember and I told her so, which was intended as a compliment. She then swiftly joined the ever-growing rank of colleagues who have told me that I look like I’ve lost a lot of weight. What gives?! Was I Whale Man or Captain Fatto pre-pandemic?! Sure, I was carrying a little timber, but I wasn’t that big! Was I? 

Regardless, it was good to catch up with a few colleagues and see the office so busy. It was also very nice to leave it after a couple of hours for a lunchtime meeting by the sea at Heysham (which is where today’s picture was taken from) before heading back home for an afternoon video call that I was dreading, but actually went really well.

I realised soon after that I completely forgotten to take anything out of the freezer for tea, so The Eldest and I had a bit of a blow-out at McDonald’s, which was actually really good/utterly disgusting. Checked in at the house, which is becoming more boarded and my private throne room is starting to get walls!

A quick turnaround at home before heading back out to get together with the BATS mob for a table read of A Party To Murder – as the name implies, an Agatha Christie-style murder mystery, laced with a little dark humour throughout. Unfortunately, one of the character’s names is rather phallic in nature, so that gave us occasion for plenty of mirth throughout the evening as apparently all the grown adults around the table were in fact five years old. It was so much fun though and sooooo good to be back among my acting chums and having a giggle. Really hope I get a part as I don’t think I’ve done a murder mystery before and think it will be good fun!

Tired now and ready for some sleep. 

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