Bristol Light Festival, Ukraine Version

I am wary of tokenism; of clapping rather than paying, of avatar frames over practical aid and assistance. I am aware, too, that we often react far more vociferously when those under attack are 'more like us', and that war has never been long absent from our world. Nevertheless, nevertheless...

A hundred years ago we were between world wars and it looks possible we might be about to find ourselves in the middle of another one.

I don't actually know anyone in Ukraine, but it came home in a weird way when I realised my photo processing application of choice was Ukrainian. Luminar is made by Skylum in Kyiv. It is almost surreal to read their apologetic posts for the lack of immediate software support... Usefully, they have posted a URL where tangible support can be offered to Ukraine.

It is absurd to proselytize in these circumstances, neither is it my way. Druids have been making the Call for Peace in Ukraine long before hostilities began, as have many religious faith groups. Whether you hold a position on faith or not, directed will is a powerful magic and I offer a simple act of intention.

Of course, this shot was taken late last night in Bristol at the light festival. Manipulated and fartnarkled, it is the 'disco ball' of the planetarium resolved from its rainbow hues into blue and yellow. A bit more tokenism perhaps, but there was accompanying tangible support so I have no apologies for it. 

May there be peace. /|\

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