The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Rain, rain and flowers

CleanSteve and I completed this jigsaw in shifts over a couple of days. Although I feel it's not historically accurate, I enjoyed the bright colors and the good quality of the puzzle. We have since started another, with a train on it, but gave up when the train had been completed ...

The rain rained or drizzled all day. Indie the cat refused to go out. The little boys watched Ninja Kids and then wanted to do some fight moves. Tears before before bedtime was the result. Their elder brother brought them home some treasures he'd found on the way back from school, but they were each jealous of the other's gift.

I walked home and after watching a pastoral programme about Yorkshire, we fell to watching the news from Ukraine. It got worse and worse, with attack on the nuclear power station. I did manage to buy some clothes and toiletries and drop them off at local shops that are acting as collection points. They will be sent by lorry to the Ukraine-Poland border.

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