The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


Andrew Wood, the artist who lives in the studio nearby arranges for these words to be made and  put up (he has an illness and can't do it all himself) and changed on a regular basis, to give people something to think about as they walk or drive past.

I'm not feeling very forgiving towards Mr Putin. Attacking a nuclear power station is what I'd call Very Bad Behaviour. The mood in town is sombre. All the collection points for supplies are full to bursting. I managed to take a giant Jenga set (yes, really!) And some tumblers to someone's garage. They will be taken to a community cafe in Gloucester where there's a welcome event set up at least once a week for newly arrived refugees. From what I understand, there are drinks, games, cakes, fresh fruit, and presumably interpreters. Clothing and toiletries are distributed at the same event, I think. GARAS is the organisation that runs it (Gloucester Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers

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