We woke to sunshine this morning so we decided to go out.  Hubby hasn't been to Sedbergh for a long time so we decided to go their and try one of their circular walks.  Well that was the plan.

The day started off fine - the journey down the A590. onto the M6 just for one junction (36 to 37) the onto A683 into Sedbergh.  Arrived about 10.30 popped into the Tourist Information place to get a map an a suggestion for a walk.  Hubby has problems sometimes with his heel so we didn't want to do anything too strenuous (I can't do that anyway).

We then discovered that Mondays and Tuesdays practically everything in Sedbergh is shut, just the food shops and Sedbergh School's clothing store was open - so nowhere to go for coffee!!!!

Still we tried to do  the circular Walk 3: Akay Wood and River Rawthey Walk.  It started off fine.  Part of the walk is through the town and takes you past Sedbergh School, which is an independent boarding school, but due to covid part of the walk through the grounds of the school was closed and we had to go up Loftus Hill before rejoining our walk.  That too was fine.  We went past the Bruce Loch Nature Reserve (main photo), that is when we went wrong.  We were looking for a building known locally as The Pepperpot.  We must have been very close to it, but think partly because some of the guided route had been uplifted as there were heavy diggers there and a lot of work going on in of the School's sportsfields.  

Still not sure how we went wrong, we got lost somewhere between points 3 and 4 and ended up in a hamlet called Birk.   I don't think we should have been there.  We met a local couple, who obviously knew the Pepperpot but advised us is was in a different directio but wasn't sure how to get to that walk from there as they've never done that yet.   

So we gave up and just enjoyed chatting to a ram in a field and walking back into Sedbergh.  

We then called into The Dalesman Inn for lunch as that and The Red Lion pub were the only two eating establishments open today.  Apparently the Dalesman also own the Red Lion anway.

The Dalesman do a full lunch not snacks, which we didn't know straight away.  Still it was fairly quiet and the food was delicious.  Hubby had the Sedbergh Gallowa Beet Suet Pud and I opted for the vegetarian dish of a mushroom and veggie bake (I'm not a veggie but do enjoy veggie food sometimes).  All was extremely delicious.

We then just walked on through the town and came back home and I didn't stop off at the large book shop that was open!!!

Amongst all this walk came a certain amount of feeling guilty due to what is goig on in Ukraine, on my part anyway, but I did need to get out into nature  an somewhere calm and quiet.  

That's all for today, please do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.  

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