
Today was a glorious combination of rain-drenched sunniness, open windows, listening to great tits singing "Toot-tee, toot-tee, toot-tee!" at full pelt from the trees, the unexpected return of Gemma (who we thought we weren't seeing for 2 days), a 4/5ths of the family lunch at the garden centre, and some sneaky purchasing of yet more seeds and some chives.

On the way home, Gemma joined in with Tess making sheep noises in the back of the car and wittered happily. I think, now she's older, she likes us more when she has time away from us.

Gemma and Tess made cookies together while I was their chief kp and tidy-upper. They chatted together and did some colouring-in and then leapt up and down on the trampoline together. Tess was thrilled. She very rarely gets a chance to spend time with Gemma and even when they are in the house at the same time, it's not often quality time.
As they were colouring in, I overheard this:

Tess: When are you moving out and leaving home, Gemma?
Gemma: When do you want me to leave?
Tess: I don't ever want you to go let's do his beard now shall we?

No breath, no punctuation, just that running together of thoughts that you're allowed when you're 8.

I resisted the temptation to make them tidy up the mess in the kitchen because I wanted to make the moment last a bit longer. I didn't get to do the gardening I had planned. Instead I smiled and drank it all in. I floated above my own pretend needs and duties and enjoyed my real needs: seeing my children happy.

I spent the rest of the afternoon in the study doing bookwork and wages for the shop. There's always lots of faffing in April.

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