Washing on the line

I managed to get 2 loads of washing out on the whirlygig today and it was warm enough that it’s mostly dried. A few hours in the hot cupboard and in the banister should finish it off.

After breakfast I took Phin for a good run round the field before heading to my friend Susan’s house for a catch up over lunch. Poor soul is suffering badly from nose polyps which restrict her breathing and disturb her sleep so I took some sandwiches round and we caught up whilst eating and trying to stop her wee dog from eating things she shouldn’t.

When I hit back Mr PHL headed out to pick up some bits and pieces and Phin and I relaxed on the sofa. I managed to get another couple of squares crocheted.

Chilli for dinner and now catching up with The Great British menu.

Some of last week’s flowers are looking a little the worse for wear but I loved this hyacinth. Thanks to BikerBear for hosting.

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