Busy Saturday

When isn't a Saturday busy in our house? Anyway Henry was the main man, with the challenge to fit the cooker hood. Jon was his assistant today. Mollie and I went out to Aylsham to the garden centre. I haven't been to it before - it has only been resurrected in the last 18 months, from being quite derelict. It was well worth the trip. Lots of plants, a good shop and excellent cafe. I wanted to buy some more established lavender plants, and ended up with 3 different ones, but a whole lot more in my trolley too. It's pay day and I'd decided to treat myself. The plants are now sitting in the beds in their pots, so that I can decide if I've found the right positions for them.

Mollie treated me in the cafe, where I had tea and a chocolate and coconut cake, and she had coffee and a bacon sandwich. We will definitely return.

We drove home via Cromer where we stopped off so that I could buy a new toothbrush in Boots! By the time we got home, Henry had drilled a hole for the extractor, on the inside and was drilling through from the outside to meet it. He had moved the sockets and created a new one for the cooker hood, so lots of holes to fill too. That all needs to dry before the last cupboard can be put up, but hopefully tomorrow they can get a bit further with it. I'll share when I have final pics. When Henry had finished, he turned his hand to baking, and made these delicious peanut butter cookies with (ver expensive) coconut sugar substitute. (He is cutting sugar out of his diet). If you like nuts, you would love these.

I made a purse after lunch. I had forgotten how, but had one cut out ready, so just had to wing it. I got the principal right, but didn't quite do things in the correct order. It looks OK. Tomorrow I will have another go with some of my lovely new fabric.

Big 'grill up' (as low as you can get with saturated fat) for tea, and now relaxing in front of the TV.

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