Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Special visitor

A special visitor came this morning. Becky took him walkies for many years while she lived in Edinburgh, but she has now moved to Newcastle. I didn’t tell Archie she was coming, but he saw her at the gate and went daft. He was jumping up and down when he met her at the step, and he actually slipped off it. She had come straight from the train and was then meeting a friend in the Gardens for a picnic lunch. 

We caught up on all her news - such a good move to sell an Edinburgh flat and buy one in Newcastle! (MUCH cheaper) We sat outside, of course (Becky’s partner has recently had COVID).

In the afternoon, Archie and JR went a big long walk to Braidburn Valley Park and then back home through the Hermitage. (15, 965 steps).

This long walk did not appeal to me, so I opted to give the grass its first cut. I then sat out in the sun with a beer and listened to a podcast (about Putin) and then my audiobook, which I had kind of given up on, but regained my interest in it.

Our chap from the cruise company rang to check in and re-assure me that the company will look after us and arrange everything if (GAWD!) one of us gets Covid before or during the trip.

NINE sleeps!

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