The One

I took another Covid test this morning since I still feel very weird indeed. Negative! I do not have Covid, therefore I do not know what is wrong with me. My head feels like someone has injected it with the stuff dentists use to numb your mouth (Novocaine?), I'm clumsy which makes me irritable as everything takes even longer, and I feel tired and washed out. It started last week when my head felt "fizzy" and has moved on to where I am now.

I'm at work tonight too, in my previous shop where the hours are less but the job is much harder and I have limited grasp of what I am actually meant to be doing! What can possibly go wrong...

I've done what cleaning I can at home as I don't want that to pile up too but it's taken longer than normal. Now I have just a little time until I have to get ready for work. I think I might wait until tomorrow to catch up on Blip Comment. My dad does not want me to go over until I can be sure I'm not carrying The Virus with me so I will have a bit of extra time then.

This shot is of the one daffodil in our tubs that has decided to flower this year. A bit late, but nice to see one after all!

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