
I am the grandmother of a 17 year old!!!

I managed to eventually see the lad at 1015 at night. He finished school at 12 as Covid has decimated the teachers and he only had PE and something else in the afternoon. Dave hired a dual control car for 2pm for an hour so he was away there for his very first driving lesson and it turned into two hours as they got it free due to someone cancelling. Then Dave and him went climbing to Bennybeg doing his first lead climb outdoors which is with the ropes and the iron thingys. Well done.

They weren’t back before Ben and I headed off to the concert hall to see Aliash and Janette in a show called remembering the Oscars. It was fabulous and Ben loved it too. There was a black lady singer who was just amazing. It really was a well done performance. I always am sat near nutters and sure enough there were a group four rows back !

We got a lift home from
paps and I eventually got a hug and a brief chat with Cameron before I was bundled out the door as I have a vaccine shift tomorrow (sat and 8.30).

Cameron has had some great adventures with his Nana (and Papa too ) over the years. We’ve just the two of us whizzed around London when he was 8 and took him to his first big concert (Lionel Ritiche) cos no one else would come with me. We’ve made memories galore on holidays together and I’ve said before my greatest pleasure is spending good quality time away with the boys. But then Anytime with them is a pleasure for me. I’m proud how he has grown into a fabulous young lad.

Happy Birthday Cameron

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