Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Spring in Humshaugh

The walls of our village are festooned with aubretia. It makes the place look very cheerful.

I intended to have a day of rest, but it was not to be. I had an appointment at the surgery this morning. The team now includes a paramedic called Brad and I was offered an appointment with him because he is interested in asthma.

He was delightful and listened, but my query about asthma control has to go to the multidisciplinary team tomorrow. He also took an interest in my shoulder. A few years ago I had a steroid injection, just before going to Myanmar. It solved the problem, which has now recurred.

The current system means a referral to physio, then exercises, then a possible scan or referral on. It will take time and I may just be tempted to go privately if the pain gets worse. It took ages to sort it out last time. Ho hum. At least I know what it is.

Sharon, who is a friend and one of Mum's carers brought her sister to see us. Sue lives in Vienna and has a Greek husband. It turns out they all love Sifnos so I was able to show them a few images from my visit in search of Henri Cartier Bresson.

I think my equipment is dry now. It’s been cold but dry today.

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