Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Those with Ophidiophobia look away!

I was out with the Intermediate Walkers today on a well trodden (by us) and pleasant route on the South Tyne Trail and Pennine Way. 

The rain stayed off until the last half hour and it was relatively warm.

We had a big group out today and the stiles slowed the walk considerably. After one stile, Ray found a slow worm. He made sure that everyone could see it.

Later, we were quite near to a deer in a garden. It was totally unphased by our presence, leading us to wonder if it was deaf.

My horrible hip was truly horrible because this walk included a lot of steps and a few stiles. I felt much better after a hot bath and some analgesia. The surgery have given me an appointment on Friday so I'm very pleased with that.

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