Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Bed Wars

The bed wars continue unabated. Jax now weighs 55 pounds and is still able to wedge himself into this bed that sits by our breakfast nook window. Because it gets sun and has a view of all the activity on the patio/garden, it’s the premium bed for both of the cats, too. So needless to say, they are miffed when they find Jax sprawled out on their bed.

It’s raining today so no walk yet. I did, however, get everything laid out and mostly packed for my trip. We have to leave by 6 am to get to the airport so I didn’t want to have to scramble in the morning. Also did a covid rapid test this morning. I’ve been masking and staying well away from people for the last week so the test was probably unnecessary, but one can’t be too careful.

I am so very excited to see my parents. It has been nearly 3 years. Just to be able to sit and chat with them will be wonderful.

Nothing dark yet today but I’m thinking maybe ginger…


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