East Lomond from Gaddon Loch

Up at a decent time, fed the birds, breakfasted, chatted to Andy and Jenny and  asked Andy to clean my car on Sunday. Picked his brains about mobiles then went in and bought the Doro I fancied anyway. Hermes, who are now called something else, arrived with my two jumpers and thankfully the same driver.  We'd all miss him if he went.  Went into the garden and did quite a bit of weeding and digging up of Welsh poppies and aquilegia. I like them but they seed themselves everywhere.
After lunch I intended to dust but just as I was about to start, Kevin phoned to ask if he could come in half and hour to install my new smoke and heat alarms.   Wonderful !  Rescued from housework !   A quick trip to the village shop for milk and biscuits.  The two I had on the stairs have been replaced and there's now one in the sitting room and the heat alarm in the kitchen is as far away from cookers, microwaves and toasters as we could get it.  The noise they made when tested is so horrific  you wouldn't be able to think if there was a fire and would probably get burnt to a frazzle as a result.  By the time I got up to date with Kevin's family news it was time for tea and toast and a read  then I went to Birnie for a walk and a photograph.  Bumped into another photographer who was a keen birder and chatted for ages.  Learned a bit about what birds were where locally which was useful so, all in all it was a nice day especially being able to skip the dusting with a clear conscience.

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