
By dunkyc

Up all night

It was my fault to be fair. 

I had been out late last night and The Eldest had babysat the wee ones and been told that they could stay up a little bit later than normal – as well as raiding my “secret” sweetie stash.

Boy, did I pay for it today! I was a little tired myself, but I had nothing on them and their grumpy, tearful tired moods. When will I remember that they can’t hack a late night?! We did have a nice period of calm when we went to Bardsea for a little wander, which is when I snapped this – a borderline proper photo of “outside”. There’s a photo of the wee ones between the grumps in the extras.

They weren’t too bad as the day wore on and they had fun at the park, bumping into some friends and then later on we dug out m’boy’s remote-controlled car and he found a hitherto untested dial, which meant that the already nippy car quite literally found a new gear and went zipping down the street.

I was glad of my bed this evening.

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