Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

That's a mouthful

The forecast was for heavier rain this morning, and lighter this afternoon - well the opposite happened. There was no rain at all this morning, I had a dry walk with Xena which was very pleasant. I spotted this blackbird with a full beak of worms hiding in the trees.

Back home I had the irrigation system man come fix up something as the water tank pipe had started leaking. All done now but no need for irrigation for a while.

This afternoon we had a storm with thunder and the rain came pouring down, so I never took Xena for another walk - instead I watched another episode of Bridgerton while I did the ironing :)

Tonight it is book club, it has been ages since we last met as the last meeting was scuppered by Covid so I am looking forward to it. I am enjoying my new book Songbirds by Christy Lefteri.

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