Mono Monday: Week 429 ...

... Low key silhouette.

I learned last night that today is National Pet Day so I was hoping to get some shots of our dearly loved cats... Kiera and Cheddar.  Yesterday was National Siblings Day so this works well for that, too.

And Kiera provided the purrfect opportunity for me!  Cheddar loves to sleep in this chubby in the cat condo ... he's a very low key kitty!  Well ... sometimes!  Kiera very rarely will sit on top of the chubby ... she does like the very top shelve.  Well ... they both do!  I tried to get Kiera to look up at me but I'm actually glad she didn't.

So I was happily surprised when I walked into the room and found this scene.  Thankfully my camera was nearby and I was able to one and only one shot before Kiera moved off!  

Thanks to carolina (Carolyn) for hosting Mono Monday all this month.  And for the great themes!

In Extras is a lovely male Northern Cardinal ... in his full red glory.

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