Riverside - West

I waited out the 
grey so I could get some sun
into my morning

~ carliewired

I was up at 6 to determine that there would be no spectacular colour this morning. I brewed my coffee and sat in my recliner savouring every drop. The sky began to brighten in the east, so I got myself up and out the door in short order. 

My first stop was for breakfast. I did the drive-thru, then parked in their lot. A little drama unfolded before me. Two large work vehicles arrived obviously looking for a place to park so the drivers could get breakfast too. One parked somewhere behind me. One decided to park along the outside edge of the lot under the trees. What the driver hadn't calculated was that his boom was higher that the bottom of the trees. He snagged the bottom branch of a tree and it tore off with a resounding crack. The driver got out to assess the problem. His buddy in the other vehicle walked over to assist. They managed to take the branch off the truck. The driver got out a chainsaw and his safety gear to buck up the branch. That's where I left him. I hope these fellows had time for breakfast when done. 

I was off to Riverside Park to have a quick look around. I parked on the west side near the tennis courts. A group was playing pickleball and the lot was half full. The area of construction has expanded as has the perimeter fence. I walked along the trail to the bridge stopping half way up. I got a shot of the bridge framed with saskatoon bushes in bloom. I looked across the confluence to my mountains and down along the foreshore in front of the park. I was surprised to see so many tent constructions down in the trees along the edge of the park. I found one lovely mallard drake on the river. The noise of construction continues so the birds must be going elsewhere. I spotted a marmot tucked under the Celtic Stones just resting his eyes in the morning sun. I left one quilted heart near the Uji Friendship garden on a bench. My hearts this week are in respect of the Ukraine, blues and yellows. 

I'm home for the day working on crumb blocks. I will have a quiet day with the radio for company. 

We have a day of mixed sun and cloud with a high of 13 C and a risk of a thunderstorm this afternoon. We seem to be in a warming trend over this week. I will enjoy that! 

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