Capital adventures

By marchmont

The yellow on the 'broom'

A good day. After cycling to the pool I then decided I'd cycle to S's house in Churchill for coffee..A bit of a circuitous route, avoiding traffic and navigating the sometimes less than helpful 'places for people' installations. S is a cousin by marriage and we were never close. She has an interesting past. Educator, player, Doric poet, writing and reading. She travelled abroad when her husband worked for the British Council and she has a very eclectic taste in art.

And I cycled amount along Braid Hills Road where the gorse is in full bloom and the sand of Aberlady Bay was shining in the sunlight. 

I waylaid .myself this afternoon by doing my end of year HMRC return. My own for having payments split between 3 accounts and not keeping detailed payment records but it's all worked out now. It felt strangely calming to have completed that task.

Watched more 'Anatomy of a Scandal' after a late pasta dinner. The chilli garlic sauce is very spicy. 

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