An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Waiting place...


I mentioned recently that we had a decision to make about work required on the roof of the house and whether we would go with extensive repairs or a whole new roof.  

Long story short, after further investigation and discussion, and referral to the detailed roof survey we had done before we purchased this house, we have made the decision to replace the roof.  No shame to it, it is 122 years old!  The new roof will also last 100+ years. This means that once David and I shuffle off this mortal coil, Alan and his team will not have to worry about having to make the decision and arrange the work.  It gives us peace of mind.

Tommy, the roofer, popped in this morning to discuss timescales and the logistics.  He has been working for over a year on a neighbour's house (turns out it's his daughter) and has worked on three other houses nearby, so we know the quality of his work is excellent.  He is very passionate about what he does (he learned his trade from his dad 40 years ago) and now we've made the decision, I am excited about seeing the result, and saying goodbye to roof leaks!

Alan had an appointment with the hygienist.  He takes diazepam before he sees her to relax him and give her half a chance to work inside his mouth.  When he arrived at the surgery this afternoon, suitable drowsy, the receptionist said his appointment was this morning!  Poor Alan was drugged up for nothing!  Can't understand how the mix up happened as D puts appointments in the diary as soon as they are made, and we never make morning appointments for Alan because his morning routine is such, it's difficult to get there on time.  Oh well, new appointment made.

David headed off to golf (blip of Lola lying at the front door, where she lies and pines whenever David leaves the house without her!) and I worked on a secret crochet project that I can't say much about just now.

Tesco online order done and updated by the skin of my teeth.  Order can be changed till 11.31pm.  I clicked the checkout button at 11.29pm!


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