Guess what . . . ?

Yes, another EB of another an ED.
It’s been a good day.  Got up early (ish) and sorted out the trailer to take daughter Pam’s friend Emily’s excess belongings back.   Before COVID and lock downs we stowed a shed load (one that stands in the garden) of Emily’s belongings while her house was upgraded for disability living.  Well, COVID completely stopped the upgrade, and it has only recently been completed, and I could do with my shed back.
Anyway loaded the trailer myself, took it over to Bourne, got home, and flaked out.  This old f**t is just not up to it any more.
Thought that I had missed a Saturday’s silliness, but having read through this, I guess not
Liza Tarbuck playing an excellent mix tonight, to be followed shortly by Johnnie Walker’s Rock Show.  Booster jab tomorrow morning.
Night night . . .  (Will be commenting tomorrow sometime)

ps - Flag of St George flying from first thing this morning - neighbour not far behind, we tend to be in competition . . .

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