Blossom path

Now that the trees have passed their peak spring display, there are small drifts of blossom piled up around the city. I blipped this scene through a garden gate in Merchiston on my walk into work this morning.

I worked on campus today for several reasons: to have easy access to a printer for proofing the flyer and poetry booklet for the Lorna Lloyd podcast series launch in Malvern on 24th May; to join our second P2P project board meeting side-by-side with Bruce in his office; to make some plans for next academic year with various people; and to see colleagues gathered together to celebrate another successful PhD outcome.

The PhD student was Shenando. I was involved in his doctoral study as his independent panel chair, and also chaired his viva voce examination on 14th January. Shenando's close colleagues and friends met at Black Ivy for drinks and then dinner. Amongst the party were Shenando's former office-mates Marina, Katherine and Rachel. It was wonderful for me to see all three of my own PhD students together, and I was delighted when they agreed to pose for my extra.

Exercise today: walking (16,172 steps).

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