Grandads' Peony...

It's still going after all these years! I think it's been in our garden for coming up to 55 years and was from my grandads' garden so every year it blooms it's a lovely reminder of him! And it's made me into a peony addict as I keep adding to the varieties each year! Watching Gardeners World last night they featured Peonies and Auriculas - 2 of my favourite things in the garden!

A mix of sunshine and actual real life rain today!!  Very mild too so felt a bit flat healthwise so have mostly been taking it easier.  Did get a book read online that I was lucky to get an early copy of before release in June and it's full of the most amazing photos of Butterflies so it's made me very jealous!  Here's a link to the book if interested Butterflies by Julianna Photopoulos

And this afternoon I was watching someone I follow on Instagram going through their clothes having a clear out, and it inspired me to have a go through my clothes so more stuff is now ready for the charity shop and to sell! So very happy with that burst of productivity!  Now to rest... hopefully!

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