Allotment de-stressing

A regular day at work, although I started early in order to clock up some hours. There is always SO much to do. I left Jon in bed as he had booked a flex day with plans to ride his motorbike down to Cambridge to spend some time with his mum and dad, and to show them his bike. He also managed to catch up with Nick and Claire his ex rangers from Wandlebury who are still working on the Magog Down. It has been a long while since he has seen them, and he was lucky with the weather.

With Jon out all day, mine was very quiet. However, I did manage to catch my friend Denise the artist, who I blipped last sunday, on live TV this morning on a craft/jewellery channel, demonstrating a certain art technique with acrylic paint. It was interesting and it was lucky I was working, as I was tempted to buy the kit they were selling!

I finished at just after 5. Made dinner - Thai green curry today, then Jon and I went to the allotment. As usual I had lots of plans but limited time. Jon mowed the whole plot, while I dug out some weeds and planted my sweetcorn and some dwarf french beans. It took me ages partly due to my arthritic right thumb, which really hurts when I'm using a trowel in our solid heavy clay soil. We finished at just before 9 and are now relaxing with a cuppa before bed.

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