Cover Your Rig

The cover for my new amp turned up just in time for tonight’s gig. Whilst searching for a title for todays blip, I came across this number by ZZ Top.
“Aha!” I thought, “these boys are in a band and no doubt appreciate the importance of protecting their instruments and amps with appropriate cases and covers, so have written a song about it” Then I looked at the lyrics. It seems they are singing about a different kind of “protective covering” entirely! Ah well, it still makes for a good title.
The weather was a lot better today so I went out for a run this morning. Fastest 5K this year to date, so pretty chuffed with that. After lunch I went through to tonight’s venue to get set up. Only a four piece tonight as our keyboard player is in Spain and our second/backup guitarist is otherwise engaged. Should be a good night though as there are a couple of new tunes we’ve been considering, so might have a bash at them at some point.
I’m just hoping it’s not too late a night as there is a car boot sale I fancy doing at the local school tomorrow. It would mean a 6am start, so I really don’t want to be getting home much after midnight. Or, if I do get home late, I hope it’s raining at 6am so I can roll over and go back to sleep.
No doubt tomorrows blip will reveal which way it went…

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