Laboscope app

All the usual at gennepher's cat diner yesterday. Mr Heffalump (wood pigeon) is a character, and I am growing quite fond of him, in between thinking he is plumping up himself with all the food he eats, which would make an excellent Christmas dinner...

Oh dear, gasps of shock from you! No I wouldn't!

Mr Heffalump (wood pigeon) is the enigma...he is exhibiting very strange behaviour for a wood pigeon. Yesterday afternoon he crash landed in a large pot of daffodils. The flowers are finished,but the leaves are still sticking up. Mr Heffalump crouches down low, and can hide himself in the middle of the daffodil leaves. Just his head pops up like Peter Sellers in the Pink Panther, and he scours the surroundings over the daffodil leaves. Then Mr Heffalump's head disappears into the leaves again. A few moments later Mr Heffalump's head slowly rises above the daffodil leaves again, and he scans the entire garden. All he needed was a pair of binoculars or a periscope. He was doing this over the next hour repeatedly. I think this wood pigeon needs therapy...

I had no peanuts this morning, so I put kitchen scraps on the bird table which pleased all the birds. Mr Heffalump is tucking into his breakfast when along comes Mr Magpie and tries to land next to Mr Heffalump, but Mr Heffalump sticks out his well filled plump chest and bumps Mr Magpie off the bird table. Mr Magpie is absolutely furious, also because a cat is feeding at the diner, so the world is conspiring against him at this minute. And Mr Magpie lets out a howl of frustration and flies off...

Creative this morning is that Californian Poppy again. I have a few flowers coming out on it. So, a kaleidoscope in Laboscope. Shadow and Midnight are present....

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