A lovely day today.  I met up with CumbriaLass and of course the lovely Fletch, who was exceptionally good today.

We met at Conishead Priory and had a walk thorugh the woods, and along the beach (more photos to follow in collage tomorrow or soon).  There were a lot of dog walkers there today.  Two different dogs, came up to me and one put down a large stone and the other a stick right in front of me, so  of course I just had to throw it for them didn't I, well it would have been rude not to!!??  The trouble is when you start they keep wanting to carry on doing it!!!

We had a great catch up and walked back  through the woods to the  cafe.  It was OK when we arrived but as we left it was incredibly busy.  So good for the Priory and/or Manjushri (the Buddhist temple  there) but I've go so much worse with crowds of people since Covid, not that I| was ever that great.  Still no problem we had a coffee and flapjack and a good chat.  Fletch was suitably watered and fed, not that he ever wants much, and he just flopped down no problem.  No problem with traffic either way, so that was great.  

Go home and to find that hubby had won £25 on the Premium Bonds, first time for such a long time, we won't let it change us though!!!!!!!!!!!!

After that his Car went in to the garage yesterday to have the handbrake fixed and they had to keep it over night.  So I took him down to pick it up this afternoon  -  OUCH the payment for that was painful!!! But it is important so it has to be done.

Now you all know that I've booked a holiday to Cemaes Bay in a few months time, well within a very few minutes of my saying hoorah on the Cemaes Bay FaceBook page, I've had two people. one the daughter of our next door neighbour and Mum's great friend) and my best friend from those days all wanting to meet up with me whilst there!!! How lovely is that.  I haven't seen either of them for 50 years!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm so looking forward to it, but with some intrepidation - 50 years is a long time.  But as someone on the Cemaes site told me, Cemaes never leaves you - and that is soooo true, a large part of my heart has always lived there even though we had to move away (Dad's job).

That's all for today.  Do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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