Wheels of Steel

Countryfest is back after a two year absence, due to you know what. I’ve always though of this as “County Show Lite” - held on the same showground, and run by the same people, as the Westmorland County Show but with less sheep and cows.
Not as many exhibitors as previous years, but enough things to see and do to fill a good few hours. For the first time this week, the weather was fine and sunny, which definitely helps when you’re wondering around outside. There was just enough of a breeze for the kites to fly (always a feature of Countryfest) and to stop it being too hot.
A fairly small parade of “vintage” motorcycles (mainly Japanese ones from my youth - how can that be vintage?) was followed by a fascinating display of falconry and horsemanship. A chap dressed like Zorro on a black stallion flying Peregrine Falcons. At one point he actually had the falcons flying between the horse’s legs! Unfortunately, my attempts to capture that as an image has resulted in a lot of blurred images which may or may not be a falcon and/or a horse.
So I’ve settled for this shot of a few of the classic cars on display. The Saab 96 in superb condition caught my eye far more than the Jensen Interceptor alongside it or the E Type behind it. Also in view are a Jaguar XJ6, a Mark 2 Ford Escort and a Morris Minor. But that Saab is almost as old as I am and looks to be in much better condition!
Obviously, a visit to the food tent was in order and I bought a piece of chocolate and orange flapjack as well as a pork pie topped with caramelised onion and cheddar cheese. That’s tea sorted then.

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